Probably Risks

The following is a list of potential risks and emergencies Sakura Resort might encounter.

1. Storm Damage

2. Bus Accident

3. Boat Accident

4. Slip and Fall

5. Guests tripping over cords in bedrooms

6. Medical Emergencies

7. Theft of Souvenirs

8. Surfing Accident

9. Scuba Accident 

10. Jet Ski Accident

11. Swimming Accident

12. Fire

13. Broken WIndows

14. Alcohol related incident

15. Allergic Reaction

16. Heart Attack

17. Vandalism

18. Elevator not operating

19. Cleaning Chemical Spill

20. Excessive Rain

21. Volcanic Eruption

22. Fitness Center Injuries

23. Heat Exhaustion

24. Falling in Stairwell

25. Improper Signage

26. Sunburn

27. Food Poisoning

28. Thunderstorm

29. Earthquake

30. Trespassing

31. Child Abduction

32. Confrontation between guests

33. Power Outage

34. Sudden Illness

35. Theft of guest property

36. Slippery Floors

37. Drug Use

38. Electrocution

39. Broken Bone

40. Car Accident in Parking Lot

41. Confrontation between employees

42. Employee Theft

43. Staff Unsure of Duties

44. Pool Chemicals out in the open

45. Liquor License Outdated

46. Sexual Harassment between employees

47. Sexual harassment between employee and customer

48. Insect Problems

49. Equipment Failure

50. Accessibility